Sunday, December 10, 2017

Kill Shot Bravo Latest APKv4.3 Latest Version

Kill Shot Bravo APKv4.3 Latest Version. Kill Shot Bravo is one of the action games that can be downloaded and played for free on Android devices.
Kill Shot Bravo was developed as an action game that can be downloaded and played for free on Android devices. The game character Special Force goes to secret missions as a soldier. The enemies in the vote are; Aircraft, counterparts, machinists, bombers, shooters and heavy army soldiers, terrorists. The aim of the Kill Shot Bravo game is to destroy the enemy units by fighting in secret headquarters in front of them to provide world peace.

The game takes place in many different environments, from the forests through the mountains to the Mediterranean islands. The character is not only controlled by running it, but it also allows the control of different vehicles by means of missing vehicles. The game is played not only against the system but also in multiplayer online. In the game, various war technical tools are also used. With the use of heat metering, you can find jobs by finding the location of the enemies hidden in the forest.

Kill Shot Bravo can be played as a single player, allowing users to unite with their friends. In the vote, teams that set up their troops are given some tasks. Users can get bonuses by jumping tasks together. In addition, some enemies are awarded a prize. With the players killing these people, the possibility of getting higher prizes is increasing. Besides that, there is also a chat option in his teammates. Thus, team-builders can organize better by talking among themselves.

Latest Features in this Version:

Region 30: Raise the Roof

  • The usual terror groups have fallen silent. Perhaps they've learned their lesson? Power vacuums tend to bring out the worst though: The Initiative, a new group on the world terror stage, has laid siege to a nearby urban center. Your mission is to take to the rooftops and spoil their debut!

Download This Latest Version
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